
The Newnan Club was established in 1992 to support a clubhouse facility for recovery meetings at 9 Perry Street in Newnan, Georgia. This clubhouse remained open for 28 years until it closed in March 2020. Thousands of people seeking recovery from alcoholism and other forms of addiction attended their first meetings here and found hope and sobriety. It will always be remembered.

Old house
Inside of house
Newnan Club

In 2023, the current facility opened its doors at 80 Newnan Station Drive, Suites A&B, and the Newnan Club re-emerged officially in 2024. The clubhouse is now home to multiple recovery groups and offers a welcoming, safe place to meet and share experience, strength, and hope.

Newnan Club Mission Statement

The Newnan Club is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to provide a clean, safe facility and environment for Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step-based recovery meetings. Additional support is offered through the Newnan Club by providing literature, organized recovery events like holiday cookouts and dinners, and other twelve-step-related activities.

Newnan Club Board

The Newnan Club facility is governed by the Newnan Club Board. The responsibility of the Board is to provide and maintain a welcoming, clean, safe facility and environment in which to conduct Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step-based recovery meetings and events. There are six board member positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two additional members. These positions (after the terms of the initial appointed board) are voted on by the Newnan Club membership. The people filling these positions are volunteers and are not compensated.

Current Board Members & Responsibilities


Oliver T.

The president oversees all board-related activities and presides over Board and Member meetings


Kathaleen W.

The vice-president provides leadership in the absence of the president and shall perform such other duties as shall be designated. Currently, this position is responsible for the procurement and distribution of all Newnan Club supplies.


Robyn K.

The Secretary is responsible for the documentation and communication of all clubhouse-related activities. Currently, this position is also responsible for clubhouse cleanliness.


Daniel H.

The treasurer has responsibility and for all funds received and disbursed by the Newnan Club. In addition, this position maintains membership information and dues payments.

Board Members

Lon W., Hope H.

The board members have the responsibility to work with the board officers to set clubhouse policies and goals, review finances, and ensure the overall well-being of the facility. In addition, Hope H. manages all clubhouse recovery literature procurement, sale, and distribution, and Lon W. manages membership acquisition.

Governance of Newnan Club

Overall oversight of the Newnan Club is outlined in three primary documents as described briefly below:

  1. The Charter and by-laws of the Newnan Club outline the purpose and mission of the Newnan Club, membership details, and the policies and procedures for electing and maintaining the Newnan Club Board. Click here to view the Charter and by-laws.
  2. The House and Ground Rules clearly state the rules that must be followed in and around this facility. Click here to view the full list of rules.
  3. The zero-tolerance policy explicitly documents behaviors/activities that will not be tolerated in and around the clubhouse. Click here to view the zero-tolerance policy.