newnan club

The Newnan Club financially depends on group contributions, membership dues, and donations. Any amount helps support the clubhouse and pays for the facility lease, utilities, maintenance, supplies, and clubhouse-sponsored events. All donations/dues to the Newnan Club are charitable contributions. Donations/dues payments can be made:

  1. On the website with a credit/debit card or PayPal
  2. From your phone or computer via your PayPal account at NewnanClub@NewnanClub
  3. In person at the clubhouse with cash or check (payable to Newnan Club). Dues envelopes are provided at the clubhouse. Please fill out the envelope and drop in the safe located in the room adjacent to nearest restroom.

If paying membership dues, please indicate the month(s) being paid on the online dues payment form or on the envelopes provided at the clubhouse.